[email protected]      +32 493 70.91.44.


Helping organizations, teams, leaders and employees, as well as kids and society as a whole, to assess the mindset & skills to become and to stay Future Proof.”

Our Social Responsibility is to learn children to stay design thinkers.

“We cannot predict the future, but we can learn you to shape it on a continuous basis.” 


We are very passionate coaches to help to acquire the necessary new mindsets and skills to become able to surf, these powerful and unpredictable waves of societal, technological and business innovation. We learn you to surf them, set sail, without knowing at this moment yet where the final destination will be, to adjust course continuously, to reach, each time the destination necessary.

IF SO, Where can you make the difference?

 Becoming Future Ready and Staying Future Proof

demands TODAY: a different mindset of 

Every company, all leaders ànd employees.  



It’s all about creating on a continuous basis your own future: “You need to rethink your framework with new eyes, again and again, to stay relevant in the current (business) playfield.”

This means that beyond the normal operational innovation, strategic innovation becomes key: new (disruptive) business plan generation and vision building, as well as profound innovations of processes, communications, services and collaboration, are needed now.


Figures confirm that leaders know very well that organizational transformation is needed. The word ‘transformation’ is everywhere. Companies are very busy with transforming.

Yet, there are very few successful agile transformations. 80% fail at this moment. How can leaders lead real transformations that will bring about true organizational agility?

Some essential keys:

It all starts with senior management: highly effective leadership, both individual and collective, demands in this context, a different leadership mindset than ever before. Managers should become creative leaders, instead of just being reactive managers.

A transformation has to be guided by a comprehensive integral framework. It asks a methodology that embodies a deep understanding of the nature of organizational change: individual mindset transformation of leadership and employees, cultural change, system change ànd new practices/methods, are interconnected. You can’t change one without the other. Count in also the human development factor, and you understand that a transformation can only truely happen, when this lead by a group of multidisciplinary experienced coaches.


The revolution of networked information technology flattens the world. We are becoming a worldwide village again. 

Knowledge is available anywhere in no time and at no cost. The West no longer holds a monopoly on brain power or innovation. Information is abundant. ‘Hot’ tech today, is in no time available at no cost. Old fashioned already tomorrow.

Knowledge, Brainpower, Innovation and Technological innovations are just part of the game, and no longer make the difference with competitors.

Our Traditional Mindset and Models of organising, managing and leading are increasingly failing to provide sustainable solutions to the current economic transformation, which is marked by Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA). Our environment and economy, are evolving like never seen before, faster and in more unpredictable ways.

We don’t have any clue anymore what the future will bring. We cannot rely on the past anymore to guide us into the future. It is said that most kids in preschool today will work in jobs or careers that don’t exist yet. And they will have to adapt their carreer, over and over again. The same with companies, they have to rethink themself, over and over again, in a fast and disruptive way. 

Disruptive and game changing new business models are popping up, and will change the economic landscape forever.

“Traditional leaders, believe they can ‘manage’ the transformation process. Most leaders believe that Agile transformation are nothing more than using new project management tools. This is NOT possible. That is the #1 reason for the failure of organizational transformations (of any kind).” 

– Michele Madore, founder of our partner company TRANS4MATION.


“We facilitate Strategic Innovations and Coach Leaders in leading real transformations that will bring about true organizational agility.”


We are non traditional consultants:

We are picky:

We want to help our clients achieve real and sustainable difference, and create true added value for all stakeholders. Therefore we only accept those assignments where there is a true intention from the top down to adopt a different leadership, culture, mindset and business strategy.

Floor-To-Board Level Business Experience:

We have extensive business experience, at all levels of organisations including board membership. Eventually setting up new companies and/or setting out to advise and coach others.

Expansive business & expertise network:

We have an extensive international network of True Value Innovators and like-minded advisors sharing our vision of the future. A network that gradually but continuously expands with each new business relationship.
Through that network we can provide our clients with access to a broad range of complementary expertise, techniques and methods that may be relevant to their business challenges, and help set up highly performant, self-managing cross-company teams.

Deep Experienced Multi Disciplinary Coaches:

As a collective of motivated and mutually-supportive professionals working together as highly performant, close-knitted teams, we experience first-hand both the challenges and benefits of agile, self-steering organisations. We are uniquely positioned to fully appreciate the struggles that traditional organisations and their various levels of management go through in learning and adopting the new mindsets and skills required to deal with complexity and disruption in the 21st century.

No Body-Shopping:

“When we don’t have the right team or we can’t make it available, we won’t take the assignment. We will not assign a collection of available consultants from our network for the sake of getting the deal and making money. We only assign True Value Innovators as a high-performance team, composed of those, we believe and trust, can make the difference for our clients.

Creating True & Lasting Added Value.

No, we are not naïve. Just very authentic, skilled, and convinced that our approach, expertise and mindset can create a better future for all. And of course, profitability is important. But profit is a result. Not the goal.