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Effective/Creative Leadership

We are at the beginning of an era of unseen innovation: The Age of Disruptive Innovation – The Creative Economy. Leaders have to lead Strategic Innovation and Organizational Transformation, step 1 & 2, of which we spoke earlier, in a different way, to achieve sustainable results. This means that leaders will no longer be able to solve the complex challenges the same way as they have done successfully so far.

Albert Einstein’s quote is more actual than ever: We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.

Effective/Creative Leadership transformation becomes an essential building block to be able to lead the transformation of organisations to truly sustainable agile organizations.

But what does this mean?

“Effective leaders lead change in a way that they can activate the greatest possible potential of its people and of the organization as a whole. They are aware of the deeper and subtle dynamics in themselves and of human transformation in general. They manage change processes in such a way that they do not succeed in triggering the reactive power, but helping people to evolve to their full potential.”



How do we develop Effective/creative leadership?

True Value Innovators uses the science-based ‘Leadership Circle Profile_360 °’ to accelerate effective/creative leadership.

This tool goes far beyond traditional competence-based approaches. It provides insights into underlying behavior, motivation and level of development. This is also the only instrument that gives us insights into the underlying assumptions that are the basis of automatic patterns of strengths and limitations. With this assessment we can map the impact of habit-based reactive behavior and thinking on your ‘creative/effective leadership’. Once this has been mapped, we have everything in our hands to guide leadership development towards more effective/ creative leadership. Without these insights, real sustainable change is rare.

We can do this assessment on an individual, collective and system level. This provides insights into the internal dynamics that influence each other’s effective leadership.

In the meantime, a database of 100,000 progressive leaders is available worldwide. This is a valuable source of information to compare yourself with your peers.

‘The Leadership Profile 360°’ – Insights that Accelerates Effectiveness. 

The Leadership Circle Profile is designed to accelerate leadership effectiveness beyond traditional competency-based approaches. When it comes to developing leaders, training to competencies alone does not work very well. For more rapid and lasting results, it is crucial that organizations help leaders gain deeper insight into their behavior and what is driving it. The Leadership Circle Profile™ is the only 360 degree competency assessment that simultaneously provides focused competency feedback while revealing the underlying assumptions that are causing a leader’s pattern of strengths and limitations. The Leadership Circle Profile helps leaders understand the relationship between how they habitually think, how they behave, and, more importantly, how all this impacts their current level of leadership effectiveness. Once this awareness is established, leadership development can proceed. Without it, change rarely happens. – Source: The Leadership Circle.